In Japan Tokyo Travel

Running for Tokyo!!!

Kenapa judulnya pakai kata "running"?
Nooo, bukan nyontek Running Man... Yap karena ngumpul dana ke one of the most expensive city in the world ini sampai ngos-ngosan dan mengurus semua keperluan juga hampir nggak sempat.
Bahkan sudah sampai di kotanya pun masih berasa ngos-ngosan (I'll tell you why on the next posting).
This trip was planned quite in a rush. I was bought the ticket for my sis, and I got a little bit jealous that she can go wherever she want and I feel kinda stuck in here.
"Why don't I go there too!?!!"
A few days later I bought the ticket for myself *legaaa~~~
Hitungannya pas cuti bersama bisa keluar agak lama, kerjaan lagi nggak banyak (I really thought I won't have jobs left when I go), so lets make this one of my junior-high-dream come true.
Buat paspor cuma butuh 4 hari kerja, lanjut buat visa 4 hari kerja juga.
Awalnya sempat khawatir nggak bakal dapat visa karena paspor hijaunya masih perawan, buat itinerary juga hasil nyontek (I even didn't remember what I wrote) and I'm not sure if I have enough savings to convince the embassy that I'll survive there for a week. But hey, the embassy even gave me a 15-days-visa.
But something always could happened right after when the things look so perfect. A month before I leave until the D day, I still haven't got any real itinerary, no knowledge about what am I going to take from the airport, where will I go on the first day and so on, a big thanks then for my sis for make sure I will have a place for spend the night while I'm in the Tokyo.
H-2 pun belum pegang yen, belum beliin JRP buat kakak, belum packing, lupa kalau hanya punya alas kaki buat ke kantor, kerjaan kok ya jadi numpuk di kantor (bahkan harus meninggalkan tim yang masih lembur di hari Sabtu sementara saya akan jalan-jalan di Akihabara), lupa beli keperluan pribadi buat dibawa kesana and I even forgot that my flight to KL is 8.30 in the morning, which it means that I have to be  in Gambir at least at 6 o'clock, while I wasn't have a very good sleep for the past 2 weeks and the flight will be my first. How silly is that sound?

So D-1 I went to money changer during the break and somehow managed to got the JRP on the same day.

Kinda blessfull that I could woke up at the right time on the D day, got in the airport before the plane flew without me (in fact the flight was delayed for 30 minutes and all I can think was, it would be nice if I could sleep 30 minutes longer this morning), had a fully charged phone and also a fully charged power bank, but not having breakfast, forgot to order meal for the trip and only had a cup of shin ramyun on the plane was a huge mistake.

About 11 hours or so before I say "Tadaima!!!!!!"
*Pertanyaan: kapan saya perginya????

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  1. Hah?!?! Seriously, udah sampe Tokyo? Kapan? Setelah aku berangkat yak? Wah, tahniah..tahniah... eh, congrats..congrats... eh, selamat.selamat...

    Btw, ini blog yang dulu sempat hilang atau bikin baru lagi?

    Nice article, keep writing, always waiting for the the update :)

  2. ixixixi baru liat komennya... iyaa akhirnya terkbukti kata-kata waktu smp kalau saya pasti bisa ke negara dimana dorayaki berasal
    sedang mencari kota untuk next trip nih *winkwink
    masih yang lama cuma ganti bg... eh list temannya ilang semua :(
    will keep reading you blog too *hwaiting

  3. menyenangkaan..mana foto-fotonya? *pengen liat dorayaki #eh*

    1. nggg dorayakinya... habis wkwkwk
      pic nya... I was palnning to write something as a part-2 and so on from this, but.... seems they got stuck in draft :|
