In Random


Yup, life is about choices...

Tapi kadang memutuskan sesuatu untuk hidup sendiri, pertimbangannya bukan hanya dari diri sendiri, tapi dari lingkungan... means include your parents, your sisters, your very big family, your friends, and other yours...

Yang paling kepikiran pasti lingkungan yang paling dekat, family.
So, in making decision, actually you are not making it for yourself, but for them too.

What makes it hard to do sumtimes is you think your decision is the most make sense for you, but not for them. Kadang adaaaaa saja "stranger" yang tiba-tiba bikin ragu... just because you know their reasons about their choice are more make sense, it just, it makes you uncomfortable.

Let's say you are in a crossroads... which way will you choose??? your way or their way???

Wanna say 'this is my life, let me choose my own way' ?!?!?!?

Difficult choices isn't it...

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